Category: Shopping in Madrid

Food Shopping in Madrid #2 - El Corte Inglés

As a general rule and as Julie suggests, when grocery shopping frequent the small shops, after all they’re part of what gives a big city its charm. However, sometimes, especially when trying to assuage the occasional bout of home sickness with a tried and true home-cooked meal, you need ingredients that go beyond the […]

How to grocery shop in Madrid

SPECIALTY SHOPS: For fresh, affordable fruit, meats, seafood and bread, compare prices at competing fruterías (fruit and veg), charcuterías (delicatessen, ham, cheese etc), carnicerías (meat), pescaderías (fish) and panaderías (bread) in your neighborhood and at local mercado (market) stalls. Check the euro/kilo price at the specific supermarket section, but know that fruit is always cheapest […]

Bodega Santa Cecilia - Where to buy wine in Madrid

Like to drink? Know someone who does? Then you should probably get to know Bodega Santa Cecilia. You won’t be sorry you did. The Bodega is essentially your one-stop alcohol shop. And more.
Basically, it’s a very classy wine store, which also sells all kinds (literally) of liquors and liqueurs, mixers (including cranberry juice!), beers from […]

Need some cheap consumer electronics?

Another one that may be more useful for new residents than visitors to Madrid, but certainly worth knowing about! The Calle Barquillo is all about cheap TVs, stereos, microphones, DJ equipment, video cameras, mp3 players… just about anything you could want to watch, listen to or record with at home is here. There a are […]

Living in Madrid - Where to buy Sports equipment: Moya

NFM is designed to be useful for people actually living in Madrid as well as just visiting. So, here is the first in a new series of incredibly useful shops and services in the city!
Deportes Moya, at Avenida del Mediterráneo 28 (Map) has the best selection of sports equipment in Madrid. Just ask any Madrileño, […]